Sunday, June 2, 2013

Can I create a little magic in someones life?

I have come a crossed some stories that just hurt my heart to read them. I like most people feel bad about what happen and send prayers of hope to them, but in the end im just thankful nothing like that has happened to my family. it dawned on me that as an entertainer and a magician I can reach a lot of people. touch a lot of lives, why can't I perform magic that will actually help people and make a difference in their lives? it is in that light that I have taken on a multimedia help campaign to help a local family that got burned out of their home. this family has not had an easy life to start with and this was just the last straw in a mountain of straw for them. I paid an ad supported post asking for help and drawing attention to this cause. I will be trying to raise money for this family and it would really be a magic moment if I can get others to champion this cause. it would be great to get these people back on their feet.

this to me is magic. a magic that means a change in someones life. a magic that shows that love and support can come from total strangers.

here is a link if you would like to help. this is heart breaking story but im hoping it has a very happy ending.